OwO Bot Wiki

Fabled Animals are animals which can be caught while Manual or Auto hunting in the OwO Bot. They can be trained as pets so that they can go out and hunt or battle for you.


As with all animals, Fabled Animals can be obtained by either manual or auto hunting. Being from the Fabled rank, the chances of finding one, (the "Drop Rate") is 0.001% for all OwO players. Each Fabled Animal you catch is worth 100,000 Zoo Points, and will earn your team 100,000 XP each time one is caught.


Once you have caught your first Fabled Animal, you will be able to train it up as a pet by adding it to a team. You can then send it out to hunt for more animals. You can even give it a weapon to fight with in battle against random players (PvE) or against your friends (PvP).

Selling or Sacrificing[]

Having caught your first of each Fabled Animal, (and any more you catch of each from then on), you can choose to keep, sell, or sacrifice them. Each Fabled Animal is worth 250,000 cowoncy when sold, or 100,000 essence when sacrificed. Note that whether sold or sacrificed, you will still have that particular Fabled Animal in your zoo as a pet which can be trained and used for hunting and battling at any time.

Comparison Chart[]

The chart below allows you to quickly compare the various Fabled Animals that are available in OwO Bot.

Name Aliases Health Points (HP) Physical Attack (PA/STR) Physical Resistance (PR) Weapon Points (WP) Magical Attack (MA/MAG) Magical Resistance (MR)
Boar Boar Dboar 7 5 2 4 1 2
Eagle Eagle Deagle, Murica, America 2 13 2 1 1 2
Frog Frog Dfrog, Toad, Dtoad 3 1 1 3 10 3
Gorilla Gorilla Dgorilla 8 7 2 1 1 2
Wolf Wolf Ddog, Dwolf 7 3 5 1 1 4