OwO Bot Wiki

There are six main visible Stats of concern when Battling in OwO Bot. These are the same stats that you see listed in the individual Animals pages. They include Health PointsHealth Points, Physical AttackPhysical Attack, Physical ResistancePhysical Resistance, Weapon PointsWeapon Points, Magical AttackMagical Attack, and Magical ResistanceMagical Resistance.

Health PointsHealth Points[]

This is your pet's Health! Whenever you are attacked by an enemy it goes down, and whenever you are healed by a teammate it goes up.

An animal's Health PointsHP can be calculated by doing 2*HP Stat*Level+500. This means that every animal has a base of 500 HP, and it increases twice the animal's stat per level.

Physical AttackPhysical Attack[]

This is your pet's physical attack. It is used to damage your opponents when you are using strength based weapons, have run out of Weapon PointsWeapon Points, or when you are attacking with no weapon.

An animal's Physical AttackSTR can be calculated by doing STR Stat*Level+100. This means that every animal has a base of 100 STR, and it increases by the animal's stat per level.

Physical ResistancePhysical Resistance[]

This is your pet's resistance to physical attacks. It reduces the damage received when your animal is attacked by a strength based weapon, or no weapon.

An animal's Physical ResistancePR can be calculated by doing 0.8*((25+2*PR Stat*Level)/(125+2*PR Stat*Level)). The lowest amount of PR you can have is 16%.

Weapon PointsWeapon Points[]

This is your pet's Weapon Points! Most weapons use this stat in order to attack or support their teammates, and some passives/weapons can increase/replenish your WP. WP is similar to mana in other games.

An animal's Weapon PointsWP can be calculated by doing 2*WP Stat*Level+500. This means that every animal has a base of 500 WP, and it increases twice the animal's stat per level.

Magical AttackMagical Attack[]

This is your pet's magical attack. It is used to damage your opponents when you are using magic based weapons.

An animal's Magical AttackMAG can be calculated by doing MAG Stat*Level+100. This means that every animal has a base of 100 MAG, and it increases by the animal's stat per level.

Magical ResistanceMagical Resistance[]

This is your pet's resistance to magical attacks. It reduces the damage received when your animal is attacked by a magic based weapon.

An animal's Magical ResistanceMR can be calculated by doing 0.8*((25+2*MR Stat*Level)/(125+2*MR Stat*Level)). The lowest amount of MR you can have is 16%.

Health PointsHealth Points β€’ Physical AttackPhysical Attack β€’ Physical ResistancePhysical Resistance β€’ Weapon PointsWeapon Points β€’ Magical AttackMagical Attack β€’ Magical ResistanceMagical Resistance
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Utility (Command Group) Utility